Briefing MPs on the C-19 LFD distribution service 


As part of PSNC’s ongoing work to keep MPs briefed about the value of community pharmacies, we are now highlighting to them some key information about the COVID-19 Lateral Flow Device (LFD) distribution service, known informally as ‘Pharmacy Collect’. 

The service forms part of the Government’s pledge to give everyone in England access to twice-weekly COVID-19 testing and is just one of the many examples of how pharmacy teams have been helping to support patients and the public throughout the pandemic.  

As the majority of pharmacies are now signed up to offer the testing kits, LPCs and contractors may increasingly want to talk to MPs about the service, many of whom will likely be interested to hear more about how it is benefiting their constituents and supporting pandemic recovery.

MPs might also visit a local pharmacy to make use of the service for themselves, so PSNC has developed some resources to help those who are engaging with local MPs about it.   

Briefing for MPs about Pharmacy Collect

This one-page briefing can be sent to MPs if they request an overview of the service.

Guidance for engaging with MPs around Pharmacy Collect

This document contains some guidance for LPCs and contractors who are engaging with MPs about the service, including key messages for any discussions and follow-up actions.

Press Release for MPs promoting Pharmacy Collect

MPs may want to promote the service to their constituents – eg on their own websites or with local media – so LPCs and contractors can use this template press release as a guide if requested.

If you have any queries about this work, or need any further help with local MP engagement, please contact: