Our purpose

NHS Digital (previously HSCIC) provides national information, data and IT systems for health and care services.

We exist to help patients, clinicians, commissioners, analysts and researchers. Our goal is to improve health and social care in England by making better use of technology, data and information.

The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) was set up by the Department of Health in April 2013 and is an executive non-departmental public body.

Trusted with over £1 billion of Department of Health funding, and an operating budget of £250 million, our team of 2,500 staff works to improve health and care services.

Our responsibilities

We have statutory duties that include:

  • collecting and publishing health and care information
  • providing national technology for health and care services
  • producing information standards
  • improving the quality of health and care information and data
  • publishing national indicators for health and care
  • giving advice and support to health and care organisations on information and cyber security
  • providing the Information Governance Toolkit for care organisations to assess how well they are handling information and data

Find out about  the Department of Health Remit to NHS Digital for 2017/18.

Our impact

With our partners across the country we support the health and care system, helping patients make good choices about their care while ensuring their data is kept safe.

Annual Report

Business plan 

Case studies

See all our case studies

One-page summaries

See all our one-page summaries

How we support diversity and inclusion

See more

Our work

Data and information

We collect, safeguard and analyse the data that describes care performance and outcomes, creating statistical reports with the results.

Systems and services

We design, build and manage technology systems and infrastructure for better health and care.

Information security and standards

We set standards to ensure data is collected and managed consistently, efficiently and securely across the health and care sector