Services Database Blood Borne Virus Screening (BBV) (Peterborough Area)

Service ID



CGL Aspire will email a list of clients who require screening for hepatitis B and C. This service must be offered and promoted ONLY to Clients as instructed by CGL Aspire.

Blood Bourne Virus screening can be completed by any accredited member of the team but the results must be completed by an accredited pharmacist.

Location of service

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Blood-borne virus screening

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




All pharmacists are required to complete the CPPE Declaration of Competence for Needle Exchange and Supervised Services as part of other service provisions. Only pharmacies providing these other services will be invited to deliver the BBV screening service.

Pharmacists and any staff delivering the BBV screening service should read the following documents. Both documents will be provided to pharmacies delivering the service prior to the training.

  • Pioneering Liver Health – Hep B.
  • Hepatitis C - Essential information for professionals and guidance on testing

A pharmacist and representative will be required to attend an initial training session and annual training update. All staff will be accredited before providing any of these services.


This service is available in the Peterborough area only.