Services Database C-Card Pick Up Scheme (Nottingham City Area)

Service ID



The key aims of the C-Card Scheme are to:

  • reduce the number of unplanned teenage conceptions, especially those identified as being most at risk and vulnerable;
  • reduce the incidence of HIV and other STI’s in young people;
  • increase the availability, accessibility and acceptability of condoms;
  • reduce the associated barriers in accessing condoms, including financial cost and embarrassment;
  • provide a service that empowers individuals to make sexual health choices; and
  • link individuals into mainstream services.

The C-Card Scheme is available for young people aged 13 to 24. Condoms can be given to young people within that age range if they have a C-Card. This means that they have already registered onto the scheme at a C-Card registration point. Under 13s are NOT eligible for the scheme.

Location of service

Nottinghamshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The Pharmacy C-Card provider will ensure that professionals receive training on You’re Welcome’ which sets out the principles to help both commissioners and service providers to improve the suitability of NHS and non-NHS health services for young people. 

Details can be found at  


This service is available in the Nottingham City area only.