Services Database Community Pharmacy Oral Contraception Management Service Pilot (Hull & North East Lincolnshire)

Service ID



The aim of the pilot is to create additional capacity in primary care and sexual health
clinics for ongoing oral contraception access to be available through a community
pharmacy to relieve the burden on wider primary care and sexual health clinics and
provide improved access for patients.
People will access the service by one of the following routes:

  • Identified as clinically suitable by the community pharmacist and accept the offer of
    the service,
  • Self-refer to a community pharmacy,
  • Are referred by their GP practice as they have requested a repeat prescription and a
    review is needed,
  • Referred from a sexual health clinic.

To be eligible to access this service a person must:

  • Be an individual (age from menarche to up to 50 years) presenting for repeat supply
    of their ongoing hormonal oral contraception,
  • Have already had an initial consultation with an appropriately trained practitioner and
    had a supply of ongoing oral contraception and the subsequent supply is needed. They
    should be in receipt of a current supply of a hormonal oral contraception.
  • Have consented to the referral where appropriate and to participate in the pilot service
    [Note: the person will be asked to confirm consent again to participate in the evaluation
    but refusal to participate in evaluation should not exclude them from the service]
  • Require a clinical check appointment before further supplies of an ongoing oral
    contraceptive are authorised.
    [Note: People who have had a gap in oral contraception supply cannot be reinitiated on their original prescription as part of this service.]

Location of service

Humber LPC


NHS England

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacy Contractors are responsible for ensuring that all staff are trained as
appropriate to their role within this service and that those staff are aware of, and work
to, the contents of the relevant Patient Group Direction (PGD) that covers any supplies
made under this Service.
The pharmacy contractor must ensure that pharmacists providing the service are
competent to do so. Pharmacists should demonstrate to the pharmacy contractor and
pharmacy superintendent that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide
the service.
