Services Database Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Service ID



This service allows the provision of emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) as Levonelle 1500 under a Patient Group Direction (PGD), to females aged 13 years or over who present at the pharmacy within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse.

As well as supplying EHC if deemed appropriate, pharmacists are required to counsel clients requesting the EHC service (having had unprotected sex) about sexually transmitted infections. If signed up to the Office of Public Health Chlamydia Screening locally commissioned service, a chlamydia testing kit should be supplied (if appropriate). Pharmacies not signed up to the Chlamydia Screening service must signpost clients to a location where a testing kit and advice is available. Pharmacists should also provide clients with a small supply (3) of condoms and information regarding further availability.

Location of service

Dudley LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Emergency hormonal contraception

Other organisations involved

Office of Public Health and Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CaSH)


Start date:
End date:




The pharmacist providing the consultation will have been assessed as competent to provide this service using the Harmonisation of Accreditation (HAG) Competency and Training Framework (C&TF) for emergency hormonal contraception. HAG requires the pharmacist to satisfactorily complete:

  • CPPE Emergency Hormonal Contraception Learning Pack;
  • CPPE Contraception Learning Pack;
  • Either the CPPE Child Protection Pack or attendance at Child Protection Training level 1 delivered by Dudley Safeguarding Children’s team; and
  • Attend a workshop run by the Office of Public Health and Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CaSH).
