Services Database Four or More Medicines (FOMM) Support Service – Community Pharmacy Future

Service ID



This service was designed based on interventions which had the opportunity to have the greatest impact on unplanned hospitalisations, patient quality of life and that which a community pharmacist could provide without significant re-training. These were poly-pharmacy, non-adherence, falls risk and pain management, and had been determined from patient need, best clinical practice, discussions with NHS clinical leads for older people and operational experience.

Patients were invited to participate in the service via the pharmacy or another healthcare professional (e.g. a general practitioner (GP) could give the patient a leaflet that explained the service) if they were over 65 years old and taking FOMM. Prior to meeting with the patient, the pharmacist conducted an assessment of their medication using their pharmacy medication record (PMR) and STOPP/ START criteria.

At the initial consultation, the pharmacist discussed this assessment with the patient and agreed what action should be taken in relation to contacting the GP.

By focussing on patients over the age of 65 years with four or more medicines, community pharmacists can improve medicine adherence and patient quality of life.

The FOMM service was delivered from September 2012 to June 2013 and located in Boots UK, Co-operative, Lloyds and Rowlands pharmacies working together to design and implement at their own cost.

Further information on this service can be found on the Community Pharmacy Future website.

This was not a commissioned service.

Location of service



Not a commissioned service

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Medicines optimisation (including MUR-related services)

Other organisations involved


Start date: 01/09/2012
End date: 30/06/2013




Pre-course distance learning material plus training course and cascade training. 
