Services Database Influenza Immunisation in Community Pharmacies for Eligible Local Authority Staff

Service ID



The service is to target the increase in the uptake of the seasonal influenza vaccination in those who work for Wiltshire Council and those who are commissioned by Wiltshire Council and work with vulnerable / at risk clients. This is to reduce the serious morbidity and mortality of influenza by immunising those who care for individual who are most likely to have a serious or complicated illness should they develop influenza.

Location of service

Swindon & Wiltshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Seasonal influenza vaccination

Other organisations involved


Start date: 01/10/2017
End date: 31/01/2018




  • The pharmacy contractor will ensure that any pharmacist who is involved in administering a vaccine has successfully completed a training course that meets the requirements of the National Minimum Standards for Immunisation Training (published by Public Health England).
  • Training must provide pharmacists with the skills necessary for administering intra-muscular injection.
  • Where a minimum of 50 vaccinations have been delivered in the last 12 months, full training is not required, but completion of a refresher training course is required which should include recent national changes to the immunisation programme/ schedule.
  • The pharmacist has completed and passed a recognised Basic Life Support (BLS) training course in the past 12 months, or approved update training. BLS training must be updated every 3 years; this can be face to face or via e-learning.
  • The Pharmacist has signed an appropriate private Patient Group Direction.
