Services Database Needle Exchange (Herefordshire Area)

Service ID



Service Description

  • Contractors should comply with the Handing Out Equipment Checklist before delivering NSP
    (Appendix 2).
  • Contractors will provide access to sterile needles and syringes and sharps containers for return of used equipment. Used equipment is normally returned to the contractor by the service user for safe disposal or to the local specialist service. Contractors should raise awareness of local disposal facilities amongst people who use the NSP Service.
  • Where agreed locally, associated materials that promote safe injecting practice and reduce transmission of infections by PWID will be provided by the Company.
  • Appropriate wider health promotion materials will be provided to the service user.
    Contractors should consider other locally commissioned pharmacy services from which PWID may benefit (e.g. minor ailment schemes) when providing this material.
  • The Contractor will promote safer injecting practice to the service user, and give advice on sexual health and STIs, HIV and Hepatitis C transmission and encourage Hepatitis B immunisation.
  • Contractors will offer a user-friendly, non-judgmental, client-centred and confidential service.
  • Advice will include the availability of written information and verbal information on:
    • Legally available paraphernalia including whether and where this can be accessed by
    service users if not available via the pharmacy NSP scheme.
    • Safe storage and handling of injecting equipment.
    • Screening, risk assessment and referral including signposting to appropriate treatment services including immunisation services.

Location of service

Herefordshire & Worcestershire LPC


Other: Turning point

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Needle & syringe programme

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




  • Pharmacists and pharmacy staff involved in the provision of NSP should have relevant
    knowledge and be appropriately trained in the operation of the Service to a standard agreed
    with the Company. Training in the operation of the Service is provided by the Company in the form of guidance, protocols and local workshops (at least annually). Delivery of these support services will be determined locally between the Company, Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC), local commissioners and any other organisation or group that are considered to be a valid stakeholder in the service delivery e.g. service user group.
  • At least one full-time Pharmacist at the accredited pharmacy (but all pharmacists should be encouraged to complete) must complete a Declaration of Competence (DoC) for “Pharmacy Needle and Syringe Programme provision” 3 and complete the CPPE Substance use and misuse e-learning programme to provide this Service. If the pharmacy does not have a full-time pharmacist, then at least 2 pharmacists who cover a minimum of 80% of the opening hours should complete the DoC and CPPE programme. The DoC needs to be reviewed every three years by the pharmacist. The NEO360 platform will be used to monitor compliance against this standard.
  • All pharmacy staff should be encouraged to complete the free Level 1 NSP practitioner course online training courses from Exchange Supplies at This e-learning programme is free and supports learning and development in the subject of harm reduction and needle exchange.
  • Pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of NSP are aware of and operate within local protocols agreed with the Company. The Pharmacies SOP must be based on local protocols and must be regularly reviewed (see section 7b for further details).
    e. Pharmacists who are new to the Herefordshire area providing supervised needle and syringe provider services in a community pharmacy will be allowed three months to complete the CPPE training and meet the requirements of the DoC.
  • Contractors will be invited to attend at least one meeting per year with the Company to promote Service development and update the knowledge of pharmacy staff. This includes an awareness raising session about the drug and alcohol treatment and support services available locally and an opportunity to raise questions and/or concerns about practice. Although attendance is not mandatory, the Company would encourage engagement from Contractors to support both Service development and as a CPD update for pharmacy staff.


This service is available in the Herefordshire area only.