Services Database Supervised Consumption Service

Service ID



Aims and intended service outcomes

To ensure compliance with the agreed treatment plan by:

  • dispensing in specified instalments (doses may be dispensed for the patient to take away to cover days when the pharmacy is closed); and
  • ensuring each supervised dose is correctly consumed by the patient for whom it was intended.

Location of service

Bolton LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Supervised administration

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Extensive training will be provided for the pharmacy to deliver the services to enable the pharmacy member of staff to provide the relevant advice and support to all customers accessing the service. The training is mandatory and will be provided by staff working within the authority’s contracted services and commissioners when appropriate.
All registered pharmacies are to have a responsible pharmacist who has completed the most recent CPPE Substance Use and Misuse open learning programme to take responsibility for the delivery of the Services and ensure adequate systems are in place and adhered to (Substance use and misuse (2nd edition, May 2012). A copy of the CPPE certificate should be forwarded to the commissioners via the team mailbox.
