Services Database Pentasa Support Programme

Service ID



The Pentasa Support Programme (PSP) is a service provided by Ferring to help patients get the most out of taking their mesalazine and in managing their ulcerative colitis. Community pharmacy is ideally placed to ensure that patients are aware of the programme and have the opportunity to register for support if they wish.

Ferring have agreed to fund pharmacy  teams who successfully register patients on to the programme.

Any patient who receives a prescription for Pentasa is eligible to be registered with the PSP.  Any member of staff who the responsible pharmacist decides is competent can deliver this service. If a patient presents a prescription for mesalazine staff should explain:

  • the service is to support the patient in getting the most from their treatment;
  • the support to to help them with lifestyle changes that will make managing their disease easier;
  • the support is free; and
  • to access the support the patient will need to consent to information (name, address etc.) being shared, to allow for administration of the scheme. Verbal consent can be obtained over the telephone for patients who get their prescription delivered.

Location of service

North Yorkshire LPC


Other: Ferring

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Pharmaceutical industry

Service type

Patient support programmes

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Not known.
