Services Database Pharmacy-based Stop Smoking Service

Service ID



Stop smoking provision is offered at three distinct tiers:

  • Tier 1: Brief Intervention only. (Not commissioned under Public Health Contract but incorporated into other initiatives e.g. Healthy Living Pharmacy;
  • Tier 2: Tier 1 plus provision of a Stop Smoking Service (Tier 2, Intermediate Assessment and support) for smokers excluding those belonging to ‘cautionary group’ e.g. pregnant women and young people under 16 and the processing of  vouchers to supply nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for clients who have already been assessed by other Stop Smoking Service accredited Assessors;
  • Tier 3: All Tier 1 and 2 services plus assessment and support for smokers including those belonging to ‘cautionary groups’ e.g., pregnant women and young people under 16.
  • Planned Tier 4 (not yet commissioned): pharmacist prescriber and /or varenicline by PGD.

Treatment should ordinarily be completed 12-weeks post quit. At the discretion of the practitioner, motivational and/or behavioural support may be offered for a maximum period of 16 weeks post the quit date set.

Local variations:

  • Stockton and Hartlepool only - for varenicline, to complete a Referral Form as per protocol
  • Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland only – for varenicline or buproprion to signpost or refer service users requesting varenicline or bupropion back to the Specialist Stop Smoking Service OR client’s GP IF they are a provider of the locally commissioned stop smoking service in a general practice setting

Location of service

Tees LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Participating community pharmacy providers must ensure that as a minimum, the nominated governance lead pharmacist has completed the current CPPE CPD training including NCSCT. Non-pharmacist staff who are registered technicians should also complete the CPPE training.

All staff must complete NCSCT training and attend local scheme implementation and annual update training as provided or commissioned and advised by the local authority in conjunction with the local commissioned Stop Smoking Service provider (NTFT). It is the responsibility of the nominated Governance Lead to be assured that all staff (including support staff and locum pharmacists) are adequately trained, and remain competent to meet the requirements of the service at all times.
