Services Database Pharmacy Urgent Request Service Pilot (Salford Area)

Service ID



The pharmacist will, following a referral from NHS 111, assess whether there is an urgent need for their medicine, in circumstances where it is impracticable for the patient to obtain a prescription before the next dose is due.

If an emergency supply is necessary, the pharmacist shall make a supply, in accordance with the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 maintaining a record of the supply and labelling the container appropriately.

A record of the supply will additionally be made using the IT system provided by the commissioner. A copy of the record will be sent to the patient’s general practitioner within 48 hours. This should be sent as paper copy.

The pharmacy contractor should ensure that the service is available throughout the pharmacy’s opening hours which fall within the out of hours period (6.30pm to 8.00am on weekdays and from Friday 6.30pm – Monday 8.00am) to pick up the notification of the referral in a timely manner. Please note referrals may in exceptional circumstances take place during the in hours period, e.g. during practice learning time.

During the pilot NHS 111 will only refer patients registered with a Salford CCG into the service.

This service has now been completed.

Location of service

Greater Manchester LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Service type

Emergency supply NHS service

Other organisations involved


Start date: 07/12/2015
End date: 16/06/2016




Not known.


This pilot is available in the Salford area only.