Services Database Provision of Palliative Care Drugs (Knowsley Area)

Service ID



The pharmacy contractor will maintain stock of the locally agreed range of palliative care medicines listed in Appendix 1 and will make a commitment to ensure that users of this service have prompt access to these medicines during the opening times of the pharmacy (including out of hours when this service is commissioned).

The pharmacy will check stock, including expiry dates, once a month and will keep appropriate records of these checks.

The pharmacy will hold the specified list of medicines required to deliver this service and will dispense these in response to NHS prescriptions presented.

The pharmacy will provide information and advice to the patient, carer and clinician with regard to palliative care medicines.

The pharmacy may also signpost to other services, for example specialist centres, support groups or other health and social care professionals where appropriate.

In the event of a medicine being unavailable at that time, it is the responsibility of the pharmacist to locate an alternative supply or prescription, not the patient or their representative. The patient or representative may be asked to collect the alternative but wasted patient or representative journeys should be avoided at all costs.

Location of service

Halton, St Helens & Knowsley LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

On demand availability of specialist drugs (palliative care)

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The pharmacy will nominate a lead pharmacist who will participate in any training arranged by the CCG, reasonable notice would be given for this.

Pharmacists and technicians involved in providing the service should be encouraged to complete the CPPE Palliative Care training package.

The lead pharmacist will be responsible for ensuring that all staff working in the pharmacy, including locums, are adequately trained to provide this service.

The Provider has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the Service are aware of and operate within local protocols.

Participating pharmacists will be expected to have completed the appropriate training and update this training when changes to the service are made.

Participating pharmacists will be required to take part in regular CPD, and act on updates and information provided by the CCG.

Pharmacists must follow treatment protocols provided unless there are clear clinical reasons, which must be documented.
