Services Database Sexual Health

Service ID



As part of a local network, pharmacies will provide rapid access to high quality contraceptive and sexual health services, namely:

  • opportunistic chlamydia screening of sexually active young women aged 15-24 years old and screening of partners regardless of age and gender;
  • provision, via a Patient Group Direction (PGD), of treatment for chlamydia infection to clients aged from aged from 13 years and over;
  • provision, via a PGD, of emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) to clients aged from 13 years and over; and
  • provide sexual health promotion and advice and signposting to local sexual health services, GP Practices and other appropriate services.

Location of service

Suffolk LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacists delivering EHC and chlamydia treatment must complete CPPE self-declaration of competence for sexual health in pharmacies, and as appropriate emergency contraception and/or chlamydia testing and treatment services, as well as CPPE safeguarding children and vulnerable adults: a guide for pharmacy teams (level 2 assessment).  Pharmacists must be aware of Suffolk safeguarding processes. Suffolk County Council provide safeguarding training and working together training.

Contractors must retain their original certificates within the pharmacy.  Update training should be completed at least every two years after being fully trained. All training should be recorded on PharmOutcomes.
