Services Database Supervised Consumption

Service ID



The pharmacist or registered technician shall supervise the consumption of methadone, naltrexone, buprenorphine or the combination drug of naloxone and buprenorphine at the point of dispensing in the pharmacy ensuring that the dose has been administered appropriately to the service user.

Location of service

Dorset LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Supervised administration

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




In addition to demonstrating evidence of commitment to continuing professional development, pharmacists and registered technicians providing this service shall:

  •  successfully complete the CPPE Substance Misuse 2012 training (10 hours open learning pack) prior to delivery of the service; and
  • attend a local training session on the care and management of opiate-dependent drug misusers arranged annually by Public Health Dorset, see for details of next available training session.

If a pharmacist is new to the pharmacy, they are recognised as qualified to deliver the service, provided that the CPPE pack has been completed and that they attend the next available local session.

It is recommended that registered pharmacy technicians working within the pharmacy complete the CPPE open learning module on Substance Misuse 2012 even if the pharmacist has completed the required training. Equally, pharmacists working regularly in a pharmacy where there is a trained technician shall also be encouraged to complete the CPPE training.

The pharmacy contractor will ensure that health and safety training is provided to staff, including training on the risks associated with handling of used injecting equipment, blood borne viruses and needle-stick injuries.
