Services Database Treatment of Simple UTI in Females (from 16 years up to 65 years of age)

Service ID



The following medicines are made available through the PGD service.
The PGD has specific inclusion and exclusion criteria: • Nitrofurantoin MR
100mg capsules • Nitrofurantoin 50mg tablets
Treatment must be provided by an accredited pharmacist following the
standardised pathways and protocols. This will ensure that patients are
treated to the same clinical pathway in a consistent way regardless of which
healthcare professional the patient consults with, in the system (i.e. the
patient will receive the same advice and treatment whether they see their
GP, an OOH prescriber or a community pharmacist). After every
consultation the pharmacist must give appropriate counselling and safety netting advice in both written and verbal format.
Urine dipstick tests are NOT diagnostic when used alone but for a
female, who does not have a catheter and who presents with less than three
indicative symptoms of lower UTI then the dipstick may be used to check for
the presence of nitrites to aid diagnosis for these women

Location of service

Gateshead & South Tyneside LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Minor ailment service

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




If a pharmacy provider agrees to provide this service, they must ensure
that all the staff working in the pharmacy (including locums) are aware that
they will be participating and how to participate.
A pharmacist representative from the pharmacy must attend training
and cascade to the other staff (including locums) within the pharmacy. This
training is available online via PSNE ( The training
introduces the clinical content of the PGDs and covers Shared Decision
Making and Antimicrobial Stewardship.
All pharmacies and pharmacists delivering the service (including
locums) are required to complete the Declaration of Competence (DoC) on
PharmOutcomes. The DoC will require pharmacists to complete defined
• e-learning on Consultation skills from CPPE
• e-learning on Sepsis from CPPE
• e-learning on Safeguarding Level 2 from CPPE
• e-learning on Antimicrobial Stewardship
Pharmacists must ensure they are up to date with relevant issues and
clinical skills relating to the PGD and should be aware of any change to the
recommendations for the medicines listed. It is the responsibility of the
individual to keep up to date with Continued Professional Development
(CPD). Patient group directions do not remove inherent professional
obligations or accountability. It is the responsibility of each professional to
practice only within the bounds of their own competence and professional
code of conduct.
