Services Database Wellbeing Review (Oxfordshire Area)

Service ID



The aim of this review is to give the carer some time to think about their own health and wellbeing and to learn about what services are available to support them.

This short assessment will identify areas where they can improve their health and wellbeing and signpost them to the appropriate services to get support. This service does not involve the health intervention itself, the purpose of the review is to help carers recognise any issues and encourage them to make a change.

This is not an NHS Health Check; the carer is still eligible for one via their GP in addition to this service.

Location of service

Thames Valley LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Service type

Carer support

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The training required will depend on the individual undertaking the service. Pharmacists who are going to provide the service are required to familiarise themselves with the websites and do a practise run of the review on a colleague.
The service can also be provided by a pre-registration pharmacist, pharmacy technician, dispenser or qualified healthcare assistant. It is the pharmacist’s responsibility to assess the named employee as competent. They will need to be confident in:

  • calculating the carer’s Body Mass Index (BMI), which may involve taking height and weight measurements (chart provided);
  • working out the carer’s daily alcohol intake and comparing it to current guidance (diagram provided to show number of units in different drinks); and
  • calculating the wellbeing score.


This service is commissioned in the Oxfordshire area only.