PSNC Briefing 035/22: Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2022/23 Action and Evidence Portfolio Workbook

Published on: 12th October 2022 | Updated on: 21st February 2023

This Workbook supports community pharmacy contractors to meet the requirements of the 2022/23 Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS).

The Workbook contains questions (based on what contractors are required to declare) for pharmacy teams to answer to see if they are meeting the requirements of the gateway/domains. The Workbook also provides contractors with examples of suggested evidence that they can use to confirm they have the necessary evidence required by the end of 31st March 2023.

PSNC has produced a large number of resources to support contractors to meet the requirements of the Scheme, with these highlighted throughout the Workbook.

PQS 2022/23 Action and Evidence Portfolio Workbook 2022/23 (Word)

PQS 2022/23 Action and Evidence Portfolio Workbook 2022/23 (PDF)

The action plan included in the Workbook is also available as a standalone document:

PQS Workbook action plan (Word)

PQS Workbook action plan (PDF)

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