Pharmacy Advice Audit 2022: Resources

Published on: 28th January 2022 | Updated on: 30th March 2022

This page includes resources to help LPCs promote Community Pharmacy England’s third Pharmacy Advice Audit, alongside background information on this year’s audit.

Social media promotion

2022 Pharmacy Advice Audit Template Tweets

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What is the 2022 Audit?

The audit asks pharmacy teams to record information about the informal healthcare advice that they are giving over the course of a single day (or until a minimum number of consultations is reached), with the results providing a critical temperature check on how people are continuing to rely on community pharmacies.

This is third Advice Audit that pharmacies have been asked to take part in, and the results will once again provide critical evidence for use in our funding discussions with HM Government and the NHS.

Why is the Audit important?

Last year’s Advice Audit highlighted the scale of the informal consultations that were taking place in pharmacies during the pandemic. The huge number of pharmacies taking part in the audit meant that we had compelling evidence for use in our negotiations, and the audit results were also critical in helping to persuade MPs to support our case for COVID-19 costs.

We would be very grateful to anyone able to take part in this year’s audit – the more pharmacies who are able to do so, the stronger our evidence is.

Learn more about the 2022 Audit

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