Additional funding for off-site provision confirmed


NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) have confirmed that funding is available to support reasonable additional costs contractors might incur if they organise vaccination sessions off the pharmacy premises.

The guidance, which is similar to that made available last year, has been published on the Future NHS platform. Contractors who are not already registered to access the platform can self-register on the platform using their NHSmail address.

 Autumn and Winter Community Pharmacy Finance and Payments Guidance (2021-22) v1

The guidance follows the updated determination for the service published by the Department of Health and Social Care on the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) website.

Payment conditions

Contractors seeking to claim for additional costs will be required to:

  • obtain pre-authorisation of the costs from the regional NHSE&I office prior to any spend in line with the guidance; and
  • ensure that the costs are not already covered via any other means.

The funding is restricted to contributions towards the costs of additional venue hire and associated costs inclusive of irrecoverable VAT. Pre-authorisation of cost will be given on a first come first served basis, from a finite budget.

Contractors wishing to utilise these additional funds are advised to read both the Drug Tariff content on funding for the flu vaccination service and the finance and payment guidance on the Future NHS platform.

Further information is available via the funding page of the PSNC flu hub